PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Voting turnout - 2nd ballot on 26.11.2006

Rzeczpospolita Polska
Country Rzeczpospolita Polska
Number of communes* 843
Number of inhabitants* 18 500 491
Number of electors* (in the 2nd ballot) 14 893 890
Number of dispensed ballot cards* (in the 2nd ballot) 5,885,857
Number of precincts* (in the 2nd ballot) 11,566
Voting turnout* (in the 2nd ballot) 39.56%
Ballot on - 12.11.2006
Frekwencja ogólna
Voting turnout at 1200
Voting turnout at 1630
2nd ballot on - 26.11.2006
no data 32.3 - 33.7 33.71 - 35.11 35.12 - 36.52 36.53 - 37.93 37.94 - 39.34 39.35 - 40.75 40.76 - 42.16 42.17 - 43.57 43.58 - 44.98 44.99 - 46.4
* - Dane na podstawie protokołów.

Voting turnout - Number of dispensed ballot cards countrywide in the 2nd ballot on November 26th 2006

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
dolnośląskie 996068 385996 831 38.75%
kujawsko-pomorskie 901359 324063 711 35.95%
lubelskie 792108 341546 711 43.12%
lubuskie 364955 150242 285 41.17%
łódzkie 1330948 471926 960 35.46%
małopolskie 1196518 491796 987 41.10%
mazowieckie 2597644 1205241 1797 46.40%
opolskie 370009 121113 352 32.73%
podkarpackie 588420 250527 534 42.58%
podlaskie 512583 196426 420 38.32%
pomorskie 403713 168640 326 41.77%
śląskie 1804119 582680 1267 32.30%
świętokrzyskie 492500 209685 439 42.58%
warmińsko-mazurskie 449256 178102 391 39.64%
wielkopolskie 1311478 507254 993 38.68%
zachodniopomorskie 768203 300620 562 39.13%