PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Voting turnout - 2nd ballot on 26.11.2006

Province podlaskie
Number of counties* 15
Number of inhabitants* 1,207,107
Number of electors* (in the 2nd ballot) 512,583
Number of dispensed ballot cards* (in the 2nd ballot) 196,426
Number of precincts* (in the 2nd ballot) 420
Voting turnout* (in the 2nd ballot) 38%
Ballot on - 12.11.2006
Frekwencja ogólna
Voting turnout at 1200
Voting turnout at 1630
2nd ballot on - 26.11.2006
no data 28.29 - 32.15 32.16 - 36.02 36.03 - 39.9 39.91 - 43.77 43.78 - 47.64 47.65 - 51.51 51.52 - 55.38 55.39 - 59.26 59.27 - 63.13 63.14 - 67.01
* - Dane na podstawie protokołów.

Voting turnout - counties (province Podlachia) in the 2nd ballot on November 26th 2006

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
augustowski 6772 3725 6 55.01%
białostocki 53079 20730 46 39.05%
bielski 27937 10935 21 39.14%
grajewski 5178 2287 4 44.17%
hajnowski 5224 3082 5 59.00%
kolneński 15428 6220 17 40.32%
łomżyński 28607 13487 31 47.15%
moniecki 26406 12083 23 45.76%
sejneński 2413 1617 5 67.01%
siemiatycki 14202 6694 15 47.13%
sokólski 31825 11364 27 35.71%
suwalski 8346 4538 9 54.37%
wysokomazowiecki 11385 6241 16 54.82%

Turnout in cities holding county rights in the 2nd ballot on November 26th 2006

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
m. Białystok 226419 79458 162 35.09%
m. Łomża 49362 13965 33 28.29%