PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Mayor election


Number of Turnout Number of votes
electors dispensed ballot cards cast valid % valid
7389 3576


3576 3529 98.69%
Number Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes % votes
1 Grzywacz Irena 36 Wyższe Ekonomiczne Dobrzęcin, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Nasza Gmina" Czerwieńsk, not a member of any political party 1109 31.43%
2 Iwanus Piotr 48 średnie techniczne Leśniów Wielki, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Na Rzecz Gminy i Miasta Czerwieńsk, not a member of any political party 1901 53.87%
3 Kwaśniewski Wiesław Michał 49 wyższe Czerwieńsk, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Wspólnota Gminna" Czerwieńsk, not a member of any political party 424 12.01%
4 Rzepski Roman 53 wyższe techniczne Czerwieńsk, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Ojczyzna", not a member of any political party 95 2.69%


Precinct number Number of Turnout Number of votes
electors dispensed ballot cards cast valid % valid
Precinct no. 1 1723 907


907 897 98.90%
Precinct no. 2 1566 706


706 702 99.43%
Precinct no. 3 1413 684


684 673 98.39%
Precinct no. 4 700 355


355 345 97.18%
Precinct no. 5 1045 435


435 425 97.70%
Precinct no. 6 942 489


489 487 99.59%