PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Voting turnout - Ballot on 12.11.2006

Province opolskie
Number of counties* 12
Number of inhabitants* 1,030,826
Number of electors* 798,087
Number of dispensed ballot cards* 314,287
Number of precincts* 879
Voting turnout* 39%
Ballot on - 12.11.2006
Voting turnout at 1200
Voting turnout at 1630
2nd ballot on - 26.11.2006
Frekwencja ogólna
no data 34.78 - 36.54 36.55 - 38.31 38.32 - 40.07 40.08 - 41.84 41.85 - 43.61 43.62 - 45.38 45.39 - 47.15 47.16 - 48.91 48.92 - 50.68 50.69 - 52.46
* - Dane na podstawie protokołów.

Voting turnout - counties (province Opole)

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
brzeski 71932 29458 78 40.95%
głubczycki 39847 20905 54 52.46%
kędzierzyńsko-kozielski 77767 28210 78 36.28%
kluczborski 53749 20984 62 39.04%
krapkowicki 47064 17156 47 36.45%
namysłowski 34241 16704 58 48.78%
nyski 116009 48308 124 41.64%
oleski 53373 20018 70 37.51%
opolski 100426 37385 111 37.23%
prudnicki 46709 18993 63 40.66%
strzelecki 58237 20253 63 34.78%

Turnout in cities holding county rights

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
m. Opole 98733 35913 71 36.37%