PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Voting turnout - Ballot on 12.11.2006

Rzeczpospolita Polska
Country Rzeczpospolita Polska
Provinces 16
Number of inhabitants* 18 500 491
Number of electors* 14 893 890
Number of dispensed ballot cards* 13,742,032
Number of precincts* 33,362
Voting turnout* 45.99%
Ballot on - 12.11.2006
Voting turnout at 1200
Voting turnout at 1630
2nd ballot on - 26.11.2006
Frekwencja ogólna
no data 39.38 - 40.49 40.5 - 41.6 41.61 - 42.72 42.73 - 43.84 43.85 - 44.96 44.97 - 46.07 46.08 - 47.19 47.2 - 48.31 48.32 - 49.42 49.43 - 50.55
* - Dane na podstawie protokołów.

Voting turnout - Number of dispensed ballot cards countrywide

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Name Number of electors Number of dispensed ballot cards Number of precincts Number of precincts with no data supplied Voting turnout
dolnośląskie 2317848 1036503 2316 44.72%
kujawsko-pomorskie 1622144 701146 1905 43.22%
lubelskie 1720944 835686 2573 48.56%
lubuskie 795138 363503 943 45.72%
łódzkie 2060264 941372 2465 45.69%
małopolskie 2487223 1146791 2489 46.11%
mazowieckie 4015176 2029784 4788 50.55%
opolskie 798087 314287 879 39.38%
podkarpackie 1620221 787473 1811 48.60%
podlaskie 901793 413599 1439 45.86%
pomorskie 1694193 795209 1689 46.94%
śląskie 3741545 1495816 2958 39.98%
świętokrzyskie 1036409 521858 1402 50.35%
warmińsko-mazurskie 1120129 519159 1449 46.35%
wielkopolskie 2601593 1226461 2894 47.14%
zachodniopomorskie 1345276 613385 1362 45.60%