Electoral geography
gm. Kołobrzeg

Commune | gm. Kołobrzeg |
Number of inhabitants | 8,868 |
Number of electors | 7,135 |
Reeve election
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Number of votes | % votes | Elected |
1 | Fijałkowski Stanisław Jerzy | 55 | wyższe | Zieleniewo, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Samorząd 2006", not a member of any political party | 657 | 20.54% | No |
2 | Kowalski Tadeusz Julian | 59 | wyższe | Drzonowo, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wspólnota Gminy Kołobrzeg, not a member of any political party | 2124 | 66.40% | Yes |
3 | Waleriańczyk Roman | 38 | wyższe | Grzybowo, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Nasza Gmina Nasz Powiat, not a member of any political party | 418 | 13.07% | No |
Number of | Turnout | Number of votes | |||
electors | dispensed ballot cards | cast | valid | % valid | |
7136 | 3315 |
46.45% ![]() |
3314 | 3199 | 96.53% |