Electoral geography
gm. Łagiewniki

Commune | gm. Łagiewniki |
Number of inhabitants | 7,495 |
Number of electors | 5,992 |
Reeve election
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Number of votes | % votes | Elected |
1 | Guzdek Janusz | 54 | Wyższe | Ligota Wielka, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Obywatelski Blok Samorządowy, member of Platformy Obywatelskiej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej | 1234 | 33.26% | No |
2 | Mikus Jacek Maciej | 46 | Wyższe | Łagiewniki, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, member of Prawa i Sprawiedliwości | 111 | 2.99% | No |
3 | Szpot Janusz | 49 | Średnie | Ligota Wielka, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Janusza Szpota, not a member of any political party | 2365 | 63.75% | Yes |
Number of | Turnout | Number of votes | |||
electors | dispensed ballot cards | cast | valid | % valid | |
6025 | 3737 |
62.02% ![]() |
3737 | 3710 | 99.28% |