PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Electoral geography

county zgierski



Units Number of
Councils Councillors Constituencies Electors Inhabitants
county zgierski - totalling 9 155 81 130,612 159,686
communes total - cities holding county rights excluded 9 155 81 130,612 159,686
    communes over 20 000 inhabitants 3 65 9 86,453 104,985
    communes under 20 000 inhabitants 6 90 72 44,159 54,701
Units Number of
Reeves Mayors Presidents
county zgierski - totalling 4 4 1
communes total - cities holding county rights excluded 4 4 1
    communes over 20 000 inhabitants 2 1
    communes under 20 000 inhabitants 4 2


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Name Number of
constituencies mandates committees submitted lists candidates on all lists
gm. Aleksandrów Łódzki 3 21 5 15 204
gm. Głowno 14 15 11 36 38
gm. Ozorków 14 15 15 48 51
gm. Parzęczew 10 15 11 30 37
gm. Stryków 14 15 14 45 46
gm. Zgierz 15 15 15 98 98
m. Głowno 5 15 16 45 83
m. Ozorków 3 21 10 29 242
m. Zgierz 3 23 15 45 508
Sum: 81 155 112 391 1,307

Communes - Reeve, mayor and presidential election

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Name Office Number of candidates
Sum:   44
gm. Aleksandrów Łódzki Mayor 5
gm. Głowno Reeve 2
gm. Ozorków Reeve 2
gm. Parzęczew Reeve 2
gm. Stryków Mayor 2
gm. Zgierz Reeve 8
m. Głowno Mayor 4
m. Ozorków Mayor 7
m. Zgierz City president 12