Rada Gminy w Sokołowie Podlaskim - Constituency no. 6
Constituency |
Constituency no. 6 |
Council name |
Rada Gminy w Sokołowie Podlaskim |
Number of mandates |
2 |
Number of committees which submitted lists |
2 |
Number of candidates in all lists |
4 |
Number of submitted lists of candidates |
2 |
Number of annulled list of candidates |
0 |
List no. 24 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Sołtysi Gm. Sokołów
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Motel Anna
46 |
Nowa Wieś
2 |
Ruciński Sławomir
39 |
Nowa Wieś
List no. 25 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zbigniewa Pajki
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Pogorzelska Dorota Krystyna
40 |
Nowa Wieś
2 |
Wańtusiak Tadeusz Stanisław
44 |
Nowa Wieś
Constituency boundaries
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Budy Kupientyńskie, Nowa Wieś