Rada Gminy Dąbie - Constituency no. 8
Constituency | Constituency no. 8 |
Council name | Rada Gminy Dąbie |
Number of mandates | 1 |
Number of committees which submitted lists | 4 |
Number of candidates in all lists | 3 |
Number of submitted lists of candidates | 3 |
Number of annulled list of candidates | 1 |
List no. 4 - Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
Go to topNo. on list | Family name and given names | Age | Address and endorsements |
1 | Lejnert Anna | 52 | Gronów |
List no. 16 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Forum Tadeusza Żychoniuk (List invalidated before the ballot cards have been printed)
Go to topNo. on list | Family name and given names | Age | Address and endorsements |
List no. 17 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Krystyny Bryszewskiej z Wami dla Was
Go to topNo. on list | Family name and given names | Age | Address and endorsements |
1 | Lepak Piotr Andrzej | 47 | Gronów |
List no. 18 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Czas na Zmiany"
Go to topNo. on list | Family name and given names | Age | Address and endorsements |
1 | Gołębiowski Remigiusz | 22 | Gronów |