Rada Miejska w Dobrzanach - Constituency no. 4
Constituency |
Constituency no. 4 |
Council name |
Rada Miejska w Dobrzanach |
Number of mandates |
3 |
Number of committees which submitted lists |
6 |
Number of candidates in all lists |
12 |
Number of submitted lists of candidates |
5 |
Number of annulled list of candidates |
1 |
List no. 1 - Komitet Wyborczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Gierzkiewicz Honorata
57 |
2 |
Kurp-Szabat Sylwia
33 |
3 |
Michalski Zdzisław Józef
54 |
List no. 4 - Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Michalski Zbigniew
46 |
2 |
Michalska Ewa
47 |
3 |
Dobrowolski Henryk Franciszek
68 |
List no. 6 - Koalicyjny Komitet Wyborczy SLD+SDPL+PD+UP Lewica i Demokraci (List invalidated before the ballot cards have been printed)
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
List no. 14 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Nasza Gmina Dobrzany
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Białek Andrzej
36 |
2 |
Waszczuk Helena Stefania
51 |
3 |
Wawrzyniak Anna Teresa
29 |
List no. 15 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wspólnie wygrajmy dla Nas
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Furman Janusz
51 |
2 |
Zawada Beata
29 |
List no. 16 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Nasza Przyszłość
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No. on list |
Family name and given names |
Age |
Address and endorsements |
1 |
Rytwińska Wanda
58 |
Constituency boundaries
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Kozy, Biała, Kielno, Lutkowo, Mosino