PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Rada Gminy Wymiarki - Constituency no. 5

Constituency Constituency no. 5
Council name Rada Gminy Wymiarki
Number of mandates 4
Number of committees which submitted lists 3
Number of candidates in all lists 12
Number of submitted lists of candidates 3
Number of annulled list of candidates 0


List no. 17 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Na Rzecz Rozwoju Gminy"

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Hoffman Cezary 44 Witoszyn
2 Korytko Władysław 56 Witoszyn
3 Łacny Zygmunt 47 Witoszyn
4 Nawój Joanna Urszula 38 Witoszyn

List no. 18 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Porozumienie Rozwoju Gm. Wymiarki

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Zborowski Paweł Kazimierz 45 Witoszyn
2 Mierzwa Izabela 30 Witoszyn
3 Nowak Aleksandra Maria 34 Witoszyn
4 Smoczyńska Lucyna 43 Witoszyn

List no. 19 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Razem"

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Bednarz Marian 54 Witoszyn
2 Tkacz Ryszard 58 Witoszyn
3 Reszka Andrzej 51 Witoszyn
4 Wankiewicz Andrzej 49 Witoszyn

Constituency boundaries

Go to top Witoszyn Dolny