PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Rada Gminy Michałów - Constituency no. 6

Constituency Constituency no. 6
Council name Rada Gminy Michałów
Number of mandates 3
Number of committees which submitted lists 5
Number of candidates in all lists 13
Number of submitted lists of candidates 5
Number of annulled list of candidates 0


List no. 1 - Komitet Wyborczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Koziara Stanisław 70 Michałów
2 Rusińska Grażyna 51 Michałów
3 Szymański Zbigniew 47 Michałów

List no. 6 - Koalicyjny Komitet Wyborczy SLD+SDPL+PD+UP Lewica i Demokraci

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Morgaś Jolanta 34 Michałów
2 Zachariasz Joanna 41 Michałów
3 Bębenek Zbigniew 47 Michałów

List no. 7 - Komitet Wyborczy Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Szymański Henryk Bogusław 50 Michałów
2 Motyka Rafał Tadeusz 38 Michałów
3 Nocuń Sławomir Krzysztof 29 Michałów

List no. 18 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców PONIDZIE-2006

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Wójcik Agnieszka 32 Michałów

List no. 19 - Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Sołtysi Gminy Michałów

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No. on list Family name and given names Age Address and endorsements
1 Wleciał Jarosław Artur 41 Michałów
2 Bandura Grażyna 53 Michałów
3 Biały Stanisław 38 Michałów

Constituency boundaries

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