PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Komitet Wyborczy Liga Polskich Rodzin

Name: Komitet Wyborczy Liga Polskich Rodzin
Short name: KW Liga Polskich Rodzin
Type of committee: Election committees established by political parties
Address: ul. Hoża 9, 00-528 Warszawa
Plenipotentiary: electoral financial
Paweł Adam Sulowski Marta Barbara Zanin

Rada Dzielnicy Ursynów m. st. Warszawy

Submitted candidates

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)    Status   
Sum: 25 18 72.00% 7 28.00%
Constituency no. 1 5 3 60.00% 2 40.00%
Constituency no. 2 5 4 80.00% 1 20.00%
Constituency no. 3 5 4 80.00% 1 20.00%
Constituency no. 4 5 4 80.00% 1 20.00%
Constituency no. 5 5 3 60.00% 2 40.00%

Age of the candidates

Name    Average age    Average age of women    Average age of men    Oldest    Youngest   
Constituency no. 1 55 55 56 59 54
Constituency no. 2 49 55 27 61 27
Constituency no. 3 52 52 53 69 23
Constituency no. 4 43 39 59 59 26
Constituency no. 5 54 56 50 67 36

The statistics of election committe

Lists submitted

Description    Number of   
Number of lists submitted for districts councils of the cap. city of Warsaw 5
Number of lists registered for communal councils 0
Totalling 5

Submitted candidates

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)   
Number of candidates submitted for districts councils of the cap. city of Warsaw 25 18 72.00% 7 28.00%
Number of candidates registered for communal councils 0 0 - 0 -
Number of candidates submitted for reeve, mayor and presidential elections 0 0 - 0 -
Totalling 25 18 72.00% 7 28.00%

Average age of submitted candidates

Name    Average age    Average age of women    Average age of men   
Average age of candidates for districts councils of the cap. city of Warsaw 51 51 50
Average age of candidates submitted for communal councils - - -
Average age of candidates for reeve, mayor, president - - -
Totalling 51 51 50

Submitted candidates grouped by age

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)   
18-29 4 3 75.00% 1 25.00%
30-39 1 0 0.00% 1 100.00%
40-49 0 0 0
50-59 15 11 73.33% 4 26.67%
60-69 5 4 80.00% 1 20.00%
70+ 0 0 0

The youngest and oldest candidate submitted

     Age    Institution   
Youngest 23 Rada Dzielnicy Ursynów m. st. Warszawy
Oldest 69 Rada Dzielnicy Ursynów m. st. Warszawy