PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006


Short name: KW "ROZWÓJ"
Type of committee: Election committees established by organisations
Address: ul. Zdrojowa 24, 57-350 Kudowa Zdrój
Plenipotentiary: electoral financial
Anna Norowska Kieca Józefa Olszowy

Mayor election - m. Kudowa-Zdrój

Number Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements
1 Kręcichwost Czesław Kazimierz 60 wyższe techniczne Kudowa-Zdrój, submitted by Komitet Wyborczy STOWARZYSZENIE-"NA RZECZ ROZWOJU MIASTA KUDOWA-ZDRÓJ", not a member of any political party

Rada Miejska Kudowy-Zdroju

Submitted candidates

Name Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%) Status
Sum: 15 7 46.67% 8 53.33%
Constituency no. 1 3 2 66.67% 1 33.33%
Constituency no. 2 3 0 0.00% 3 100.00%
Constituency no. 3 2 1 50.00% 1 50.00%
Constituency no. 4 2 0 0.00% 2 100.00%
Constituency no. 5 3 2 66.67% 1 33.33%
Constituency no. 6 2 2 100.00% 0 0.00%

Age of the candidates

Name Average age Average age of women Average age of men Oldest Youngest
Constituency no. 1 55 49 69 69 42
Constituency no. 2 51 51 59 45
Constituency no. 3 63 70 56 70 56
Constituency no. 4 43 43 58 28
Constituency no. 5 50 47 57 57 46
Constituency no. 6 53 53 56 51

The statistics of election committe

Lists submitted

Description Number of
Number of lists registered for communal councils 6
Totalling 6

Submitted candidates

Name Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
Number of candidates registered for communal councils 15 7 46.67% 8 53.33%
Number of candidates submitted for reeve, mayor and presidential elections 0 0 - 0 -
Totalling 15 7 46.67% 8 53.33%

Average age of submitted candidates

Name Average age Average age of women Average age of men
Average age of candidates submitted for communal councils 52 52 52
Average age of candidates for reeve, mayor, president - - -
Totalling 53 52 53

Submitted candidates grouped by age

Name Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 1 0 0.00% 1 100.00%
30-39 0 0 0
40-49 5 3 60.00% 2 40.00%
50-59 7 3 42.86% 4 57.14%
60-69 2 0 0.00% 2 100.00%
70+ 1 1 100.00% 0 0.00%

The youngest and oldest candidate submitted

  Age Institution
Youngest 28 Rada Miejska Kudowy-Zdroju
Oldest 70 Rada Miejska Kudowy-Zdroju