PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Klub Rozwoju Dróg i Metra Do Piaseczna

Name: Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Klub Rozwoju Dróg i Metra Do Piaseczna
Short name: KWW Klub Rozwoju Dróg i Metra Piaseczna
Type of committee: Election committees established by electors
Address: ul. Radnych 24, 05-503 Głosków
Plenipotentiary: electoral financial
Mariusz Słowik Waldemar Jaworek

The counties and cities holding county rights where the committee has submitted lists of candidates

gm. Lesznowola
gm. Piaseczno

Rada Powiatu Piaseczyńskiego

Submitted candidates

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)    Status   
Sum: 44 13 29.55% 31 70.45%
Constituency no. 1 20 5 25.00% 15 75.00%
Constituency no. 2 8 2 25.00% 6 75.00%
Constituency no. 3 6 2 33.33% 4 66.67%
Constituency no. 4 10 4 40.00% 6 60.00%

Age of the candidates

Name    Average age    Average age of women    Average age of men    Oldest    Youngest   
Constituency no. 1 48 53 46 74 27
Constituency no. 2 49 48 49 67 35
Constituency no. 3 36 32 39 71 25
Constituency no. 4 43 44 42 58 30

The statistics of election committe

Lists submitted

Description    Number of   
Number of lists submitted for county councils 4
Number of lists submitted for councils of cities holding county rights 0
Number of lists registered for communal councils 5
Totalling 9

Submitted candidates

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)   
Number of candidates submitted for county councils 44 13 29.55% 31 70.45%
Number of candidates submitted for councils of cities holding county rights 0 0 - 0 -
Number of candidates registered for communal councils 51 28 54.90% 23 45.10%
Number of candidates submitted for reeve, mayor and presidential elections 1 0 0.00% 1 100.00%
Totalling 96 41 42.71% 55 57.29%

Average age of submitted candidates

Name    Average age    Average age of women    Average age of men   
Average age of candidates submitted for county councils 45 46 45
Average age of candidates for councils of cities holding county rights - - -
Average age of candidates submitted for communal councils 43 43 43
Average age of candidates for reeve, mayor, president 31 - 31
Totalling 44 44 44

Submitted candidates grouped by age

Name    Number of candidates    Women    Women (%)    Men    Men (%)   
18-29 12 5 41.67% 7 58.33%
30-39 29 12 41.38% 17 58.62%
40-49 20 8 40.00% 12 60.00%
50-59 22 12 54.55% 10 45.45%
60-69 9 3 33.33% 6 66.67%
70+ 4 1 25.00% 3 75.00%

The youngest and oldest candidate submitted

     Age    Institution   
Youngest 24 Rada Miejska w Piasecznie
Oldest 74 Rada Powiatu Piaseczyńskiego