PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

Precinct Electoral Commissions

Obwodowa komisja wyborcza numer 1 - Precinct address

City Address
gm. Spytkowice Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 1 (sala nr 6), Spytkowice

Obwodowa komisja wyborcza numer 1 - Commission members

Given name and family name Role
PATRYCJA DOMAłECZNA Commission chair
SABINA BRYNKUS Commission vicechair
Józef Brandys Commission member
KINGA PALARCZYK Commission member
ELżBIETA PAPNEK Commission member
BEATA WORWA Commission member
MARIA ZIęTEK Commission member
HELENA ZYGMUNT Commission member
EWELINA żąDłO Commission member

Precinct boundaries

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