- Local self-government election 2006
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Precinct Electoral Commissions
Obwodowa komisja wyborcza numer 10 - Precinct address
City |
Address |
gm. Gorzyce |
Remiza OSP w Orliskach |
Obwodowa komisja wyborcza numer 10 - Commission members
Given name and family name |
Role |
Agnieszka Zimnicka |
Commission chair |
Adam Iberle |
Commission vicechair |
Józef Babula |
Commission member |
Agata Cąpała |
Commission member |
Dorota Flisek |
Commission member |
Andrzej Paczkowski |
Commission member |
Magdalena Rękas |
Commission member |
Bogumiła Rusin |
Commission member |
Paweł Zajder |
Commission member |
Precinct boundaries
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Sołectwo Orliska