Ballot results for the candidate by precinct
Candidate | Brudny Dariusz Waldemar |
Age | 34 |
Address and endorsements | Skoczów |
Constituency no. | 2 |
Number of votes for the candidate | 55 |
% of valid votes for the candidate | 0.92% |
Number of votes for the list | 555 |
% of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | 9.91% |
Mandate | No |
gm. Dębowiec
No. | Address | Number of votes | % of valid votes* | Number of votes for the list | % of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list * |
1 | Budynek Starej Szkoły Podstawowej w Dębowcu | 3 |
0.44% |
86 |
3.49% |
2 | OSP Kostkowice | 0 | — | 52 |
0.00% |
3 | Sala OSP w Simoradzu | 8 |
2.33% |
40 |
20.00% |
4 | Szkoła Podstawowa w Iskrzyczynie | 7 |
3.14% |
30 |
23.33% |
5 | Środowiskowy Ośrodek Kultury w Ogrodzonej | 15 |
2.94% |
87 |
17.24% |
gm. Goleszów
No. | Address | Number of votes | % of valid votes* | Number of votes for the list | % of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list * |
1 | Gimnazjum w Goleszowie, ul. Szkolna 2 | 5 |
0.85% |
23 |
21.74% |
2 | Dom Kultury Goleszów ul. Cieszyńska 25 | 4 |
0.76% |
24 |
16.67% |
3 | Dom Ludowy Goleszów ul. Osiedlowa 13 | 3 |
1.05% |
31 |
9.68% |
4 | OSP Bażanowice, ul. Cieszyńska 17 | 3 |
0.87% |
8 |
37.50% |
5 | OSP Kozakowice Górne, ul. dra Andrzeja Cinciały 35 | 0 | — | 6 |
0.00% |
6 | Szkoła Podstawowa w Kisielowie, ul. Wiejska 8 | 2 |
0.97% |
11 |
18.18% |
7 | OSP Godziszów | 3 |
1.24% |
16 |
18.75% |
8 | OSP Dzięgielów ul. Lipowa 2 | 0 | — | 58 |
0.00% |
9 | OSP Puńców, ul. Cieszyńska 98 | 1 |
0.24% |
64 |
1.56% |
10 | Świetlica Gminna Cisownica | 1 |
0.22% |
9 |
11.11% |
11 | Świetlica Gminna Leszna Górna | 0 | — | 9 |
0.00% |
12 | Ewangelicki Dom Opieki "EMAUS" Dzięgielów, ul. ks. Karola Kulisza 47 | 0 | — | 1 |
0.00% |