Ballot results for the candidate by precinct
Candidate | Kozieł Alina Elżbieta |
Age | 42 |
Address and endorsements | Brenna |
Constituency no. | 6 |
Number of votes for the candidate | 184 |
% of valid votes for the candidate | 2.07% |
Number of votes for the list | 2372 |
% of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list | 7.76% |
Mandate | No |
gm. Brenna
No. | Address | Number of votes | % of valid votes* | Number of votes for the list | % of votes for the candidate relating to votes for the list * |
1 | Gimnazjum w Brennej ul. Górecka 224 | 27 |
3.78% |
219 |
12.33% |
2 | Ośrodek Promocji Kultury i Sportu ul. Wyzwolenia 69 | 29 |
2.83% |
311 |
9.32% |
3 | Remiza OSP Brenna Leśnica ul. Leśnica 134 | 28 |
4.87% |
129 |
21.71% |
4 | Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Górkach Wielkich ul. Szkolna 1 | 15 |
1.49% |
345 |
4.35% |
5 | Świetlica przy Klasztorze oo Franciszkanów w Górkach Wielkich - Sojka ul. Zofii Kossak 130 | 10 |
2.23% |
126 |
7.94% |