PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

gm. Skaryszew, precinct no. 8

Precinct Precinct no. 8
Siedziba Obwodowej Komisji Wyborczej Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Chomentowie Puszczu
Constituency Constituency no. 10
Council name Rada Miejska w Skaryszewie
Number of electors 489
Number of dispensed ballot cards 307
Number of valid ballot cards 305
Number of votes valid 298
Number of votes invalid 7
Protocol date 13-11-2006 01:14

Committees which submitted a list in the constituency

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List number Committee name Type
1 Komitet Wyborczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego Election committees established by political parties
5 Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP Election committees established by political parties
7 Komitet Wyborczy Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Election committees established by political parties
24 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zdzisława Mroczkowskiego Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens
26 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Ireneusza Kumięgi Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens
27 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Sprawiedliwa Gmina Skaryszew Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens
28 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Prawe Miasto i Gmina" Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens

Komitet Wyborczy Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Rojecka Barbara 10 20


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Szczerbińska Małgorzata Maria 10 13


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Samoobrona Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Łoboda Józef 10 71


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zdzisława Mroczkowskiego

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Strzelec Stanisława 10 18


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Ireneusza Kumięgi

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Kicior Tomasz 10 109


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Sprawiedliwa Gmina Skaryszew

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Mucha Sylwester Stanisław 10 66


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Prawe Miasto i Gmina"

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Tatar Jacek 10 1


* - % of votes in the precinct