PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

gm. Czorsztyn, precinct no. 1

Precinct Precinct no. 1
Siedziba Obwodowej Komisji Wyborczej Dom Kultury, Kluszkowce
Constituency Constituency no. 3
Council name Rada Gminy Czorsztyn
Number of electors 1,298
Number of dispensed ballot cards 606
Number of valid ballot cards 606
Number of votes valid 596
Number of votes invalid 10
Protocol date 13-11-2006 00:23

Committees which submitted a list in the constituency

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List number Committee name Type
20 Komitet Wyborczy "ZWIĄZEK PODHALAN" Election committees established by organisations
21 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców WYBIERAMY ROZWÓJ Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens
22 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców RAZEM MOŻEMY WIĘCEJ! Election committees established by electors in communes under 20 000 citizens

Komitet Wyborczy "ZWIĄZEK PODHALAN"

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Waniczek Robert 3 174


2 Hryc Marcin 3 150


3 Kurnat Robert 3 159


4 Jabłoński Łukasz Jan 3 70


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców WYBIERAMY ROZWÓJ

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Firek Tadeusz 3 114


2 Łukaszka Kazimierz 3 96


3 Mikołajewicz Andrzej 3 64


4 Plewa Jakub 3 234


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców RAZEM MOŻEMY WIĘCEJ!

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Wróbel Tadeusz 3 284


2 Frankiewicz-Bednarczyk Jolanta Barbara 3 250


3 Pasich Lucyna Jadwiga 3 185


4 Wojtaszek Andrzej 3 87


* - % of votes in the precinct