PKW - Wybory samorządowe 2006

gm. Kostomłoty, precinct no. 3

Precinct Precinct no. 3
Siedziba Obwodowej Komisji Wyborczej Szkoła Podstawowa w Wilkowie Średzkim
Constituency Constituency no. 10
Council name Rada Gminy w Kostomłotach
Number of electors 320
Number of dispensed ballot cards 176
Number of valid ballot cards 176
Number of votes valid 176
Number of votes invalid 0
Protocol date 13-11-2006 00:43

Committees which submitted a list in the constituency

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List number Committee name Type
22 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "NASZ POWIAT" Election committees established by electors
23 Komitet Wyborczy Stowarzyszenia "RAZEM dla Ziemi Średzkiej" Election committees established by organisations
24 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Partnerstwo gmin powiatu Średzkiego" Election committees established by electors

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "NASZ POWIAT"

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Lech Stanisław 10 40


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Stowarzyszenia "RAZEM dla Ziemi Średzkiej"

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Stafiński Karol Dariusz 10 82


* - % of votes in the precinct

Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców "Partnerstwo gmin powiatu Średzkiego"

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No. Family name and given names Constituency no. Number of votes % of valid votes*
1 Rogóż Dorota 10 54


* - % of votes in the precinct